Learning manual

This manual is a learning tool resulting from the conduct of the Nuremberg Academy’s interdisciplinary research project on the acceptance of international criminal justice (ICJ) in different situation countries. 

This learning manual summarises readings and discussion topics that are explored during the stages of mapping, designing and discussing the methodology and in particular the training programmes on researching the acceptance of international criminal justice. This manual is designed as an introduction to acceptance research for practitioners and institutions that may have an interest in researching similar or related topics, such as the impact or legacy of international interventions, courts or transitional justice mechanisms, collecting and analysing public views, perceptions and attitudes of different actors on processes, and particular or controversial findings of international courts. 

Such research may have a wide range of applications outside academia and also serve NGOs or other civil society groups interested in developing sound instruments of trial monitoring programmes, refining accountability and advocacy tools.


Andere Ressourcen Learning Manual
Andere Ressourcen Learning Manual
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