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We Publish

Through carefully curated anthologies, the Academy´s edited volumes engage with a range of topics and approaches. The Nuremberg Academy Series launched in 2017 and published five volumes in its first five years. From the current developments of the International Criminal Court to the influence of integrity on international criminal justice and the legacies of the Tokyo Trial, the remit of the Academy´s volumes span multiple perspectives and geographies. Occasional papers have focused on transitional justice in Germany after 1945 and 1990, the framework of the Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic as well as the influence of the Nuremberg Principles in non-Western societies.

Publications also capture findings emanating from our applied and interdisciplinary research. Often, these publications build on as well as disseminate the key insights sourced from the high-level dialogues and conferences that we regularly convene. Professionals working on the frontlines of international criminal law benefit from the Academy’s publications, which include practical guidelines on several topics. Such guidelines have focused on refugees as potential witnesses of international crimes, cooperation between civil society and judicial mechanisms in the prosecution of conflict-related sexual violence, deterrent effect of prosecuting international crimes and judicial ethics.

Promoting scholarship and research is an essential pillar of the Academy’s work, hence publishing holds a central role. Our publications bring together interdisciplinary expertise and combine the perspectives of practitioners and scholars to explore the history, current developments and key topics of international criminal law. We publish edited volumes, books, conference reports and a series of occasional papers. We count leading scholars as well as practitioners, including current and past principals of international courts and tribunals, amongst the contributors to Academy publications. Academy staff also regularly publish in peer-reviewed journals, edited volumes and specialised international law fora.

Our publications contribute to current debates and scholarship and act as a conduit for leading practitioners to reflect on topical developments, challenges and lessons learned. These reflections further a deeper and nuanced understanding of the past and of contemporary institutions and proceedings, present complexities and debates.

The Nuremberg Academy´s publications offer state of the art and open access scholarship on the history, current developments and future of international criminal law. 

Promoting scholarship and research is an essential part of the Academy’s work. All our publications bring together interdisciplinary expertise and combine the perspectives of practitioners and scholars to explore the law´s developments. We publish edited volumes, books, conference reports and occasional papers showcasing innovations and contributing to current debates and scholarship. Contributors to our publications include leading scholars as well as current and past principals of international courts and tribunals. 

The Academy´s publications also advance public understanding of international criminal law´s possibilities and limitations. The highly charged public discourse appears increasingly prone to conventional wisdom, clichés, or even disinformation and ill-informed accounts. There is thus an ever-increasing need for timely, grounded and lucid publications being available on an open access basis. It is this acute necessity that the Nuremberg Academy is responding to by ensuring that our publications are fully and freely accessible. We are committed to open access publishing to ensure that all interested persons can access and use our publications and resources as freely available electronic versions. The cost-free availability of publications and of learning and working tools facilitates the dissemination of international law, proper access to law, and thereby access to justice.

Books – Nuremberg Academy Series

The Nuremberg Academy Series, a book publication series of the International Nuremberg Principles Academy, was launched in April 2017. The Series Editor is Dr. Viviane Dittrich. The Series is published by the Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher (TOAEP). The Academy and the Centre for International Law Research and Policy (CILRAP) co-operate on the promotion of high-quality open access publications in international law.

The Series includes work that is interdisciplinary and brings together academics and practitioners focused on practical and innovative applications of international criminal law. The Series seeks to cover relevant and topical areas that are under-researched or require renewed attention. Grounded in the legacy of the Nuremberg Principles – the foundation The Nuremberg Academy Series, a book publication series of the International Nuremberg Principles Academy, was launched in April 2017. The Series Editor is Dr. Viviane Dittrich. The Series is published by the Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher (TOAEP). The Academy and the Centre for International Law Research and Policy (CILRAP) co-operate on the promotion of high-quality open access publications in international law.


The Past, Present and Future of the International Criminal Court

Alexander Heinze and Viviane E. Dittrich, 2021
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Integrity in International Justice

Morten Bergsmo and Viviane E. Dittrich, 2020
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The Tokyo Tribunal: Perspectives on Law, History and Memory

Viviane E. Dittrich, Kerstin von Lingen, Philipp Osten and Jolana Makraiová, 2020
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Islam and International Criminal Law and Justice

Tallyn Gray, 2018
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Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: The Deterrent Effect of International Criminal Tribunals

Jennifer Schense and Linda Carter, 2017
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Conference Reports


Nuremberg Forum 2021 Conference Report "The Fight against Impunity since 1950: Living up to the Nuremberg Principles?”

International Nuremberg Principles Academy 2024

Nuremberg Forum 2018 Conference Report "20th Anniversary of the Rome Statute: Law, Justice and Politics”

International Nuremberg Principles Academy 2020

Nuremberg Forum 2017 Conference Report “10 Years after the Nuremberg Declaration on Peace and Justice, the Fight against Impunity at a Crossroad”

International Nuremberg Principles Academy 2018

Occasional Papers

Comment on OTP Environmental Crimes Policy (Nuremberg Academy, University of Oxford, ICwS)

Comment on OTP Environmental Crimes Policy

Flaviano Bianchini, Dr Pablo Gavira Díaz, Joe Holt, Dr Pauline Martini, Maud Sarliève and Dr Rupert Stuart-Smith 2024
The Nuremberg Principles in Non-western Societies

The Nuremberg Principles in Non-western Societies: A Reflection on their Universality, Legitimacy and Application

Ronald C. Slye 2017
Transitional Justice in Germany after 1945 and after 1990

Transitional Justice in Germany after 1945 and after 1990

Sanya Romeike (Author) 2016

La justice transitionnelle en Allemagne après 1945 et après 1990

Sanya Romeike (Author) 2016

Transitional Justice in Deutschland nach 1945 und nach 1990

Sanya Romeike (Author) 2016

Правосуддя перехідного періоду в Німеччині після 1945 та 1990 років

Sanya Romeike (Author) 2016

La justicia transicional en Alemania después de 1945 y después de 1989

Sanya Romeike (Author) 2016

Drejtësia Tranzicionale në Gjermani pas 1945 dhe pas 1990

Sanya Romeike (Author) 2016

Tranziciona pravda u Nemačkoj posle 1945. i posle 1990.

Sanya Romeike (Author) 2016
Options of Accountability in the Central African Republic

The Special Criminal Court and Other Options of Accountability in the Central African Republic: Legal and Policy Recommendations

Godfrey M Musila (Author) 2016

La Cour pénale spéciale et autres options de responsabilité en République Centrafricaine: recommandations politiques et juridiques

Godfrey M Musila (Author) 2016