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Prof. Dr Christoph Safferling


Professor Dr Christoph Safferling (Dr. jur., LL.M.) is Professor of Criminal Law, Criminal Law Procedure, International Criminal Law and Public International Law at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. He is Director of the Research Unit International Criminal Law at the University. Moreover he is the Whitney R. Harris International Law Fellow of the Robert H. Jackson Center in Jamestown N.Y. In 2018 he was visiting scholar at the Stanford Center for Human Rights and International Justice.

From 2006 until 2015 he has been Professor of International Criminal Law at the Philipps-University Marburg and was the director of the International Research and Documentation Centre War Crimes Trials (ICWC). He has been a member of the Independent Academic Commission at the Federal Ministry of Justice for the Critical Study of the National Socialist Past from 2012 to 2017 and undertaken a study on the History of the Federal General Public Prosecutor.

His main fields of research are: contemporary legal history, international criminal law and the subjective elements of the crime. He has published several articles and books in the field of criminal law, international law and human rights law, inter alia "International Criminal Procedure" in 2012 and "The Nuremberg Trials: International Criminal Law since 1945" in 2006. He studied Law in Munich and London and received his doctoral degree at the University of Munich in 1999 and his “Habilitation” at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in 2006.

He is fluent in German, English and French.