Dr Pauline Martini
Dr Pauline Martini is specialised in international criminal law and transitional justice. She holds a Master’s Degree in Criminal Law from the University of Liège, an LL.M. in Public International Law from Leiden University and a Ph.D. in International Criminal Law from Queen Mary University of London. Her doctoral research explored the impacts of the decision of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to close the preliminary examination over Situation in Colombia on running narratives in international criminal justice. She also has a research interest in the prosecution of environmental crimes under the ICC Statute.
Dr Martini has worked for different institutions, including the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. In October 2021, she co-submitted a communication to the ICC Prosecutor on the commission of crimes against humanity in the Brazilian Amazon. Dr Martini has teaching experience in Public International Law, Criminal Law as well as Law and Public Policy at the Free University of Brussels (ULB), Queen Mary University of London and the University of Oxford. She has published in distinguished double-peer reviewed journals.
Dr Martini is fluent in French, English and Spanish.