Literature Review
Literature Review
The acceptance literature review explores a range of aspects that are related to the study of the acceptance of international criminal justice, in order to provide an overview of the existing literature and encourage further research in this area. It first elaborates on four aspects of the concept of acceptance of international criminal justice - who accepts,…
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Sources consulted
Africa Centre for Open Governance & Kenyans for Peace with Truth & Justice (2015) ‘‘Domestic Prosecution of International Crimes. Lessons for Kenya.’’;
AMICC (The American Non-Governmental Organizations Coalition for the International…
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Acceptance Methodolody
Acceptance Methodolody
The acceptance assessment methodology provides basic guidance for scholars interested in researching the acceptance of international criminal justice in situation countries. It discusses possible approaches to operationalize the subject by exploring more in detail the relevant aspects of such a study (institutions, actors, context, and acceptance…
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Research fellows 2015
Research fellows 2015
Dafina Buçaj holds a Masters degree in International Law (LL.M.) from the University of Cambridge. She has previously obtained a Law degree and a Bachelors Degree in Journalism from the University of Prishtina in Kosovo. She is currently working as an assistant lecturer for International Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Prishtina as well as…
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Research Fellows 2016
Research Fellows 2016
Nidal Al-Farajin is an independent Palestinian researcher and Human Rights activist. He was born and raised in the Arroub refugee camp West Bank. Mr. Alfarajin holds a Bachelor and a Master Degree in Human Rights from Bethlehem University and the University of Malta, as well as a High Diploma in Gender Studies from the United Nations University in…
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Acceptance Team
Acceptance Team
Susanne Buckley-Zistel is Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at the Center for Conflict Studies, Philipps University Marburg in Germany. Her research focuses on issues pertaining to peace and conflict, violence, gender and transitional justice. Amongst other publications she has co-edited the volumes 'Gender in Transitional Justice' (Palgrave),…
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Country Experts
Country Experts
Tamirace Fakhoury is an Assistant Professor in Political Sciences and International Relations at the Social Sciences Department of the Lebanese American University (LAU), Byblos, Lebanon. In summer 2012 and 2013, she was appointed as a visiting lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB). From 2003 to 2007 she worked as a scientific researcher at the…
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The acceptance online platform is a repository of educational and research tools, openly published and addressed to a wide audience of academics and practitioners interested in understanding, researching and influencing the acceptance of international criminal justice at regional, national or international level.
This platform is a hub designed by the acceptance team to…
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