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The International Criminal Court Colloquium: "Is it time to "Reset" the Africa-ICC Relationship?

19 October 2021

Online Roundtable Discussion: The Center for International Law and Policy in Africa (CILPA), with the co-sponsorship of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) and the International Nuremberg Principles Academy (nurembergacademy.org), have organised a roundtable discussion exploring the possibility of "resetting" the Africa-ICC relationship.

This event was the third in a four-part 2021 International Criminal Court Colloquium Series. The event took place via Zoom on Tuesday, 19 October 2021.

The opening statement was given by Mark D. Agrast, Executive Director, American Society of International Law, Klaus Rackwitz, Director, International Nuremberg Principles Academy and Charles C. Jalloh, Founder, CILPA and Florida International University. Four distinguished panellists discussed the questions 1) is it time for a reset of the Africa-ICC or ICC-Africa relationship, and if so, 2) what would that relationship look like for a "win-win" for both African States and the ICC?

  • Dapo Akande, Professor, University of Oxford
  • Kamari Clarke, Professor, UCLA
  • Margaret deGuzman, Professor, Temple University
  • James Nyawo, Lecturer, Kenyatta University.

For more information please see the flyer for download below.


Documents related to this news article

Concept Note and Programme
Concept Note and Programme
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