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Open Day: “Rethinking Peace through Justice – 10 Years Nuremberg Academy”

16 November 2024

As part of its efforts to facilitate public discourse on international criminal law and bring its work closer to a non-specialist audience, the Academy hosted an Open Day on November 16, 2024, to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Under the theme "Rethinking Peace through Justice," the Academy welcomed approximately 300 guests to its premises and Courtroom 600, inviting them to engage in thought and discussion.

The program began with an artistic intervention by the Nuremberg State Theater in Courtroom 600. This featured a dramatic reading of court transcripts from the Nuremberg Trials, as well as press reports that accompanied or followed the proceedings.

Later in the afternoon, also in Courtroom 600, a panel discussion explored the Academy’s mission under the title “Between Commitment and Humility – What Role Should the Academy Play in International Criminal Law?”. Bavarian State Minister of Justice Georg Eisenreich, Second Mayor of the City of Nuremberg Professor Dr Julia Lehner, International Law Advisor at the Federal Foreign Office Tania von Uslar-Gleichen, and the former Director of the International Nuremberg Principles Academy Klaus Rackwitz participated in the discussion. The panel was moderated by Alexander Jungkunz of the Nürnberger Nachrichten.

In the evening panel, the focus shifted to the question of how (international criminal) law can contribute to peace. Particular attention was given to the suitability of Germany and the Nuremberg Trials as positive examples. The panel also addressed parallels and differences with (potential) peace agreements in Bosnia and Ukraine. Moderated by Rüdiger Baumann from Bayerischer Rundfunk, this discussion brought together experts such as Professor Dr Angelika Nußberger from the University of Cologne, Professor Dr Eckart Conze from Philipps University Marburg, Gabriela Heinrich, Member of the German Parliament, and Christian Much, former Interim Director of the Academy.

The Academy also presented its various areas of work – research, capacity-building, and public discourse – through exhibits in its premises. A moot court demonstration by students from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg gave guests a glimpse into the workings of a simulated trial addressing international criminal law issues as part of legal education. Additionally, a screening of the documentary Peace Through Justice – The Legacy of Thomas Buergenthal took place. To complement the event, the Academy’s director, Professor Dr Christoph Safferling LLM (LSE), engaged in a dialogue with the guests on current issues in international criminal law, particularly in relation to the armed conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East. (av)


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English Programme
English Programme
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