The International Nuremberg Principles Academy has organised an online event featuring the screening of the documentary ‘Peace Through Justice – The Legacy of Thomas Buergenthal’ and a live conversation between Judge Thomas Buergenthal and Deputy Director Dr. Viviane Dittrich. The event took place via Zoom on 13 April 2021.
As a Holocaust survivor and jurist, Judge Buergenthal has been a tireless champion for the principle that governments and individuals must be held accountable under international law for human rights violations. The film shows the extraordinary life of Judge Buergenthal and his influence on global efforts to educate and empower a new generation of lawyers to seek justice for victims and survivors and accountability for perpetrators.
The documentary by Ilona Kalmbach and Sabine Jainski (competent filmproduktion) presents the life and legacy of Judge Thomas Buergenthal, Honorary President of the Advisory Council of the International Nuremberg Principles Academy. In the live conversation following the film screening, Judge Buergenthal answered questions from the audience and addressed his commitment to seeking accountability without revenge as well as the current challenges in the field of international justice.
The documentary has been realised with the kind support of the Zukunftsstiftung der Sparkasse Nürnberg.
Watch the recorded video of the event here below: