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Capacity Strengthening

International and Transnational Criminal Law Seminar in Arusha

17 February 2020 - 21 February 2020

The International Nuremberg Principles Academy, the Asser Institute, the Antonio Cassese Initiative, and the African Institute of International Law jointly organized a one-week seminar on the prosecution and adjudication of international and transnational crimes in Arusha, Tanzania, from 17 to 21 February 2020. Carefully selected prosecutors and judges from French speaking African countries participated in this high-level francophone seminar.

National prosecutors and judges are the main bearers of the responsibility to prosecute and try international crimes, such as crimes against humanity. Their role is fundamental for combatting impunity and providing access to justice for victims, for preventing crimes, promoting the rule of law for societies, and for securing lasting peace. This primary responsibility of national courts is enshrined in international legal instruments and reiterated in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

About the project

This seminar is part of the Asser Institute, Cassese Initiative, and International Nuremberg Principles Academy’s training program on international criminal law and transnational criminal law. The goal of the program is to support countries with fragile or weak judicial institutions, ICC situation countries, and countries facing challenges in prosecuting international and transnational crimes. The training program aims to assist judges and prosecutors to strengthen their capacity to prosecute and try international and transnational crimes; enhance their ability to protect human rights; ensure effective cooperation with the ICC and other international criminal tribunals; and increase cooperation among national judiciaries.

The first round of seminars took place in 2018-2019 and consisted of two face-to-face seminars of one week each in The Hague, both followed by a subsequent e-streaming session.