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Public Discourse

The Nuremberg Academy hosted a Conference organised by FAU PACT4Ukraine

12 September 2024

On 12 September 2024, the Nuremberg Academy hosted the closing day of a two-day conference on “Building for tomorrow: Education in a changing world amid global shocks”. The thrust of the conference was the right to education in crises contexts and new approaches to fostering knowledge. Director Professor Dr Christoph Safferling welcomed the participants and introduced the mission and working areas of the Academy. The conference started with a keynote speech by Oleksandra Romantsova, Executive Director of the Ukrainian human rights organisation Center for Civil Liberties, which was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize in 2022.

The keynote by Ms Romantsova was followed by a round-table on international humanitarian law and the protection of education, moderated by Project Officer Dr Pablo Gavira Díaz. The topics for discussion included challenges of education in times of war, attacks on educational facilities, the subject of human rights in curricula and in military trainings and the role of digitalisation in the educational process. The participants, mostly Ukrainian, in the conference represented different institutions, including the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, the University of Gothenburg, the Swedish Institute, the Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv University and Vitsche NGO. (pg)