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Receiving German Institute for Compliance at the Nuremberg Academy

10 December 2024

On Human Rights Day, December 10th, the Nuremberg Academy hosted compliance officers from approximately 30 prominent German companies, representing the Deutsches Institut für Compliance e.V (German Institute for Compliance), for an impactful dialogue on business and human rights. Central to the discussions were the implications of the German Law on Due Diligence in Supply Chains. The event began with opening remarks by the Academy's Director, Professor Dr Christoph Safferling, joined by Michael Wiedmann and Dr Oliver Winter, co-chairs of the Roundtable on Human Rights in Corporations. 

A representative from the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Dr Carsten Stender then outlined the roadmap for integrating the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive into Germany's legal framework. Adding further depth, Professor Dr Markus Krajewski shared insights on the development of a global treaty on business and human rights. His exploration of the interplay between international criminal law and corporate accountability inspired thought-provoking discussions among the participants.

The day concluded with Professor Dr Safferling leading the company representatives on a poignant tour of the Memorium Nuremberg Trials, underscoring the enduring legacy of justice and human rights in shaping modern corporate responsibilities. (gp)