Participation in the Conference “Current Debates in International Criminal Justice” in Berlin


The International Nuremberg Principles Academy participated in the conference "Current Debates in International Criminal Justice" at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin on 22 June. The event was organized by the South African-German Centre for Transnational Criminal Justice – one of the seven Centres of African Excellence, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the German Foreign Office.

Project Officer Marian Yankson-Mensah represented the Nuremberg Academy at this event as a member of a panel on ”Victims’ Roles in International Criminal Justice”. She spoke specifically on the topic of ”Transitional Justice and Victims’ Rights: A focus on Ghana”. Assessing the question of whether there are victim-friendlier alternatives to criminal prosecutions, Marian Yankson-Mensah’s presentation focused on how past human rights violations were addressed in Ghana following the country’s transition to democracy.