Dr Viviane Dittrich Invited to the Franco-German Research Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin


On 30 June 2023, Deputy Director Dr Viviane Dittrich spoke at the Centre Marc Bloch, the Franco-German Research Centre for the Humanities and Social Sciences in Berlin, an affiliated institute of the Humboldt Universität, as part of the Nuremberg Academy’s outreach activities. She was invited to present the mandate and the research activities of the Nuremberg Academy. In particular, she underscored the spectrum of research conducted at the Academy, including the multi-year study of the length of proceedings at the International Criminal Court, a project on hate speech, the partner projects resulting in Guidelines on refugees as potential witnesses of international crimes and in Ethical Principles for international criminal judges. As part of the session Dr Dittrich exchanged with fellow guest speaker Dr Marie Walter-Franke, German Council on Foreign Relations, on the German research landscape and opportunities for researchers in the para-academic sphere. The workshop was geared towards PhD students from various disciplines, including social sciences and humanities, who were very interested in learning more about career trajectories in research and institutions other than universities conducting research in Germany. Convener of the workshop series, conducted bilingually in French and German, is Dr Marieke Louis, Deputy Director of the Centre Marc Bloch.

Photo credit: Marieke Louis