Annual Meeting of the Arbeitskreis Völkerstrafrecht in Marburg


The 14th Annual Meeting of the Arbeitskreis Völkerstrafrecht took place in Marburg on 8 and 9 June 2018. Key topics discussed this year included subjective imputation (mens rea), contemporary theory and practice of transitional justice, and the activation of the crime of aggression. Klaus Rackwitz and Dr. Viviane Dittrich, Director and Deputy Director of the Nuremberg Academy, participated in the event.

The Arbeitskreis Völkerstrafrecht is the largest gathering of German-speaking international criminal law experts, hosted in a different city each year and bringing together up to 100 scholars and practitioners to discuss relevant questions and recent developments in the field of international criminal law.


Prof. Florian Jeßberger (Universität Hamburg) opens the 14th Session of the Arbeitskreis Völkerstrafrecht - photo: private
Prof. Stefanie Bock (Philipps-Universität Marburg) welcomes the participants - photo: private
Panel discussion on how to activate the jurisdiction of the ICC on the crime of aggression - photo: private