The Nuremberg Academy hosted a workshop with renowned experts in the field of international criminal law at the premises of The Hague Humanity Hub, on 27 March 2024. The meeting focused on the length of proceedings at the International Criminal Court (ICC), a topic of special interest to the Nuremberg Academy since 2019 (see the Report on the Length of the Proceedings published in 2022). Director Professor Dr Christoph Safferling, Senior Officer Dr Gurgen Petrossian and Project Officer Dr Pablo Gavira Díaz represented the Academy in such an important discussion.
The purpose of the workshop was to delve into two of the factors that cause delays in proceedings, namely the document containing charges and the disclosure system of evidence. The free-flowing format of the meeting allowed for an intensive and passionate discussion on these two issues, deemed as critical in the context of the ICC. The participants, namely judges, prosecutors, registry officials, defence counsels and victim representatives, actively engaged in seeking alternative forms to improve the efficiency of ICC proceedings. (pg)