Workshop “The ICC in Turbulent Times” in The Hague


The International Nuremberg Principles Academy participated in a two-day workshop entitled “The International Criminal Court in Turbulent Times” in The Hague on 31 May and 1 June. The expert workshop was co-organized by Professor Gerhard Werle (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and Professor Andreas Zimmermann (Universität Potsdam) and hosted by the German Embassy in The Hague.

Judge Bertram Schmitt, Judge at the International Criminal Court and Member of the Advisory Council of the Nuremberg Academy, gave the keynote speech at the residence of the German Ambassador on 31 May. Participants of the workshop included judges and officials from the International Criminal Court (ICC) and scholars. Klaus Rackwitz and Dr. Viviane Dittrich, Director and Deputy Director of the Nuremberg Academy, were invited to participate in the workshop.

Various pertinent issues and critical questions were raised in highly engaging presentations and lively discussions over the course of the two days. Topics discussed included the legal and political implications of withdrawal from the Rome Statute, African regional development, immunity of high-ranking officials before the ICC, the ICC and third states, the ICC and the UN Security Council, complementarity and the crime of aggression.