Nuremberg Summer Academy for Young Professionals 2023


The International Nuremberg Principles Academy held its eighth anglophone edition of the Nuremberg Summer Academy for Young Professionals from 31 July to 11 August 2023, which was followed by the fourth francophone edition from 21 August to 1 September 2023: l’Académie d’été de Nuremberg pour jeunes professionnel.le.s.

Every year, the Nuremberg Academy brings together young professionals, including lawyers, prosecutors, legal experts, UN staff members and academics, from conflict and post-conflict countries.

Each two-week intensive summer course was divided into two parts: (1) live lectures, and (2) guided self-study time via Moodle, including daily quizzes and assignments. The live sessions comprised eleven lectures, as well as group assignments, followed by interactive discussions. Both editions were held online via Zoom.

The programme was organised around one main case study, which was used for practical exercises. Lectures and self-study time provided both a theoretical and practical perspective of international criminal law, while group assignments and interactive discussions strengthened the learned skills in practical assignments.

The Nuremberg Summer Academy provided daily debriefings discussing key aspects of the lectures, as well as a screening of the documentary "Peace Through Justice" featuring the life and legacy of Judge Thomas Buergenthal. The lectures delved into various aspects of international criminal law, such as its history, core international crimes, modes of liability, investigation, prosecutorial strategy, victims’ rights and international cooperation. Other relevant topics were the prosecution of sexual and gender-based violence, domestic prosecutions and the current challenges to international criminal justice.

Across both language editions, 47 young professionals had the opportunity to benefit from this inspiring learning environment allowing them to acquire or deepen their knowledge of international criminal law. The selection process for the Summer Academies is competitive as the Academy receives hundreds of applications each year.

23 participants from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Philippines, South Sudan, Uganda and Ukraine participated in the Anglophone edition 2023.

For the francophone edition, 24 participants from Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, France, Guinea, Haiti, Ivory Coast, Senegal and Togo joined the programme this year.

The faculty for both editions was composed of 23 international experts, including leading academics and staff of the International Criminal Court as well as other international tribunals and mechanisms. Please find the programme of both Summer Academies below for download.

Participants’ Feedback

“I have truly gained enough experience in prosecuting perpetrators of international crimes before the International Criminal Court.”

“My favourite part was the discussion and work group with the case. Really outstanding experience for me.”

“The Academy was practical and that’s impressive.”

“It was a great experience.”

Further information:

The call for applications for the 2024 Editions will be released in December 2023. Should you have any additional questions, please contact:

Pour les francophones, vous pouvez trouver plus de détails ici.