Registration for the Nuremberg Forum 2021 is now open


The Nuremberg Forum is an annual international conference organized by the International Nuremberg Principles Academy (Nuremberg Academy). It brings together leading scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and civil society, and provides a forum for dialogue and critical exchange on contemporary international criminal law matters.

Considering the 70th anniversary of the Nuremberg Principles, the core question for this high-level conference is to assess whether the common fight against impunity has been living up to the expectations and standards set out by the Nuremberg Principles. It will seek to understand what challenges, if any persist, in terms of strengthening the common fights against impunity, and towards sustainable peace through justice.

The Nuremberg Forum 2021 will be held exceptionally online. The dates of the Forum are confirmed for 15 and 16 October 2021. Please register here.

The conference will be particularly relevant to experts, professionals, and students interested in international criminal justice, international criminal law, political and social science, and will have focus both on academia and practice. We would like to especially invite young scholars, lawyers, and practitioners to join our discussion.

You will find further information on the Nuremberg Forum 2021 virtual platform. The Nuremberg Academy will use this platform for further event related updates and news.