International Media Correspondents visit the Nuremberg Academy


The Nuremberg Academy welcomed eleven members of the Association of the Foreign Press in Germany (Verein der ausländischen Presse in Deutschland) on 21 October 2020. During their two-day visit to Nuremberg the international correspondents from television, radio and the print media got insights into the Nuremberg Academy, the Memorium Nuremberg Trials and the Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds, while strictly observing the current rules of hygiene and distancing.

Director Klaus Rackwitz welcomed the guests at the historic Courtroom 600 of the Nuremberg Palace of Justice together with the Lord Mayor of the City of Nuremberg, Marcus König, the President of the Nuremberg Higher Regional Court, Dr. Thomas Dickert, and the Director of the Museums of the City of Nuremberg, Dr. Thomas Eser. In the subsequent presentation, Klaus Rackwitz introduced the journalists to the mandate and activities, projects and publications of the Academy. Klaus Rackwitz, Prof. Dr. Christoph Safferling, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Dr. Thomas Dickert, and Florian Dierl discussed the special role of the Schwurgerichtssaal 600 as a place of remembrance and its historical and future use with the media representatives.