New Publication: Article on International Criminal Justice Ecosystem


In a new article, Deputy Director Dr Viviane Dittrich and former Senior Officer for Training and Capacity Building Natacha Bracq explore the emergence of a growing and burgeoning international criminal justice ecosystem with a focus on research, training and capacity strengthening. The article entitled “Vers un écosystème de formation et de recherche sur la justice pénale internationale” identifies main actors and explores interactions and interdependencies within the ecosystem. It also highlights challenges such as the often-noted separation between academia and practice, the need for greater diversity and inclusivity in the field and the impact of access barriers and funding dynamics.

The article in French was published in the volume La clé d’un système global de lutte contre l’impunité des crimes internationaux: le principe de complementarité edited by Amélie Becquart and published by Editions Pedone, based on a conference with the same name marking the 20th anniversary of the Rome Statute. Dr Viviane Dittrich had been invited to speak on the topic at the conference held at the Cour de cassation in Paris on 24 October 2022.

A formal book presentation was held at the Cour de cassation in Paris on 9 July 2024.

See here for more information. (vd)