The Nuremberg Academy hosted Representatives from the Siracusa International Institute


On 22 May 2024, Director Professor Dr Christoph Safferling welcomed the Director General of the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights, Filippo Musca, and Senior Legal Officer Ashot Agaian. Professor William Schabas who delivered the third Nuremberg Academy Lecture on the day before was also present in the meeting.

The visit aimed to explore potential collaboration opportunities and discuss ways to strengthen partnerships between the two institutions. The meeting provided a valuable platform for both institutions to exchange knowledge and experiences. Nuremberg Academy Senior Officers Darleen Seda and Kiran Mohandas Menon as well as Project Officers Dr Emma Brandon and Dr Pauline Martini presented various ongoing projects.

Both institutions acknowledged the importance of fostering partnerships and leveraging collective expertise that will contribute to the advancement of international criminal law and related human rights. They agreed to explore avenues for joint research and capacity strengthening initiatives. (ds)