Call for Papers


The International Nuremberg Principles Academy invited submissions for an edited volume in light of the 20th anniversary of the Rome Statute on “The Past, Present and Future of the International Criminal Court”. The deadline for submissions was 14 August 2018.

The purpose of the book is to pay tribute to the 20th anniversary of the Rome Statute by critically examining key developments and addressing important challenges and critiques that have remained unresolved or have newly emerged in the context of the permanent International Criminal Court (ICC).

We welcomed abstracts from both practitioners and academics working in the field of international criminal law and other relevant disciplines. Papers to be considered for publication in the planned edited volume should present an original contribution, be unpublished at the moment of presentation, and be at an advanced stage of completed work or based on extensive experience. Papers can adopt diverse research methodologies, theoretical approaches and draw from diverse disciplines. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed.

You can find information on the call for papers here below.


Call for Papers "The Past, Present and Future of the International Criminal Court"