The Nuremberg Academy participated in a summer school titled “State Building in (Post) War Reality”, held from 22 to 26 July 2024 in Erlangen and Nuremberg. Senior Officer Kiran Mohandas Menon delivered a lecture on “Transitional Justice and the Nuremberg Legacy”, which focused on the historical development of transitional justice as a practical and academic discipline. He also explored the significant if contentious relevance of the Nuremberg legacy for transitional justice processes and further examined the crucial importance of implementing transitional justice sensitive measures in Ukraine today.
Moreover, Project Officer Dr Pablo Gavira Díaz’s presentation focused on “The Protection of Cultural Property under International Criminal Law”, which aimed at providing a general understanding of the legal instruments that govern the international protection of cultural property. This topic is particularly relevant in the context of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine, where several protected buildings have suffered damage or destruction during the hostilities.
In addition, Dr Gavira Díaz discussed the different possibilities available at the International Criminal Court to prosecute crimes involving attacks directed against cultural property. This was the subject of interest and curiosity to the 19 students who attended the lecture. They engaged in a lively conversation and the feedback was that it helped everyone to understand better the legal and political complexities arising from the Rome Statute.
The summer school was conceived in the context of an alliance established in July 2022 by both the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) and the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU). The KNU-FAU alliance aims at strengthening research in Ukraine and integrating research from Ukraine into European projects. (pg)
Photo: Kateryna Futorianska