Director Professor Christoph Safferling met with the recently elected President of the International Criminal Court (ICC or the Court), Judge Tomoko Akane, on 27 March 2024. ICC Presidency External Relations Advisor Matthias Hellman, Senior Officer Dr Gurgen Petrossian and Project Officer Dr Pablo Gavira Díaz were also part of the meeting, which took place at the premises of the Court.
Director Professor Safferling introduced Judge Akane to some of the areas of work of the Nuremberg Academy, namely capacity building and research projects. In this respect, Professor Safferling placed special emphasis on the report on the Length of Proceedings at the ICC, which was concluded in September 2022. Judge Akane was pleased to hear about the projects and events that the Academy is currently carrying out and encouraged the Academy's delegation to engage in projects that enhance the capacities of judges and prosecutors in their investigation and prosecution of international crimes. (pg)