ICL Course with a Training-of-Trainers Component in Abeokuta


Between 26 and 29 November 2019, the International Nuremberg Principles Academy and the Wayamo Foundation co-organized an international criminal law (ICL) course with a training-of-trainers (ToT) component in Abeokuta, Nigeria.

Twenty members of the National Judicial Institute, the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, and the Nigerian military took part in the program.

The workshop started with opening remarks by Bettina Ambach, Wayamo Foundation Director, and Natacha Bracq, Senior Officer for Training and Capacity Building at the Nuremberg Academy. During the four-day program, participants were trained on ICL by Dr. Philipp Ambach, Chief of the Victims Participation and Reparations Section at the International Criminal Court (ICC); Natacha Bracq; Angela Mudukuti, Senior International Criminal Justice Lawyer with the Wayamo Foundation; Ray Murphy, Professor at the Irish Centre for Human Rights of the National University of Ireland Galway; and Adejoké Babington-Ashaye, International Law Specialist and former ICC investigator.

Participants took part in several ToT sessions, animated by Pieter Cronje, International Human Rights and Training Consultant. Some of them also had the opportunity to make presentations on ICL and the Nigerian context.

Since December 2016, the Nuremberg Academy and the Wayamo Foundation have organized seven workshops on “Strengthening Justice and Accountability in Nigeria” for civil and military investigators and prosecutors. With a view to ensuring the sustainability of the combined efforts, the scope of the capacity building program was expanded by a ToT component. The objective of the program is to support and further equip participating institutions with the necessary skills and international criminal law knowledge to pass on to their network of relevant actors in Nigeria.