The International Nuremberg Principles Academy co-organized an international expert seminar on the "Power in International Criminal Justice: Towards a Sociology of International Justice" in Florence on 28-29 October 2017, in co-operation with the Centre for International Law Research and Policy (CILRAP) and five other eminent partners from China, Europe, India and the United States.
This research project seeks to advance a new discipline of sociology of international criminal justice. Sociology of law has made indispensable contributions to our understanding of the administration of justice, law-making processes, and the relationship between law, justice and power in several domestic legal systems. Such knowledge-generation can increase acceptance of a legal system’s role, expose its weaknesses, and drive improvement. A responsible discourse invites greater transparency that can, in turn, foster higher standards of integrity in international criminal jurisdictions, enhance quality in their recruitment, and increase institutional legitimacy. International criminal justice has come of age after more than two decades of comprehensive international practice. The field is now sufficiently mature – the institutions have had adequate time to grow into their mandates and roles – for scholars to forge a proper sub-discipline of sociology of international criminal justice where the behaviour of relevant institutions and other actors is analysed.
You find the detailed project concept note and programme here (external link).
Photos below by CILRAP