Nuremberg Forum 2019 - The Nuremberg Principles beyond the International Criminal Court: A Common Ground for Accountability


The International Nuremberg Principles Academy organized its Nuremberg Forum 2019, the major annual conference held at the historic Courtroom 600 of the Nuremberg Palace of Justice, in Nuremberg, Germany on 18 and 19 October 2019.

This conference provided a comprehensive overview of the current situation in the fight against impunity outside the scope of the International Criminal Court (ICC) by identifying the major efforts and best practices in this field. International experts and practitioners, mostly working in judicial environments other than the ICC, critically discussed how to organize and undertake this task beyond the remit of the Rome Statute.

Among other questions, the conference delved into: How can accountability for the core international crimes be ensured? What role do the Nuremberg Principles currently play in the work of regional accountability mechanisms? How can the Nuremberg Principles be used as a tool in developing accountability mechanisms in future?