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Capacity Strengthening

Intensive Course on Human Rights and International Criminal Law in Lubumbashi, DRC

14 August 2023 - 25 August 2023

Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Club des Amis du Droit du Congo (CAD), with the support of the Faculty of Law at the Université Protestante au Congo, Switzerland, France, Belgium, the Nuremberg Academy and the International Criminal Court (ICC), organised a two-week intensive course on human rights and international criminal law. The course was targeted at law students, researchers and legal practitioners, including members of governmental and non-governmental organisations working in the field of human rights in Africa.  

The modules of the eleventh edition of the intensive course, held from 14 to 25 August 2023 at the University of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, were taught by leading experts in the field of human rights and international criminal law.

Speakers included:

•    H.E. Dr Karim Khan KC, Prosecutor of the ICC 
•    H.E. Fafre Camara, Mali’s Ambassador to the African Union 
•    Professor Éric David, Free University of Brussels 
•    Dr Philippe Currat, Lawyer 
•    Professor Julian Fernandez, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas
•    Professor Sébastien Van den Broecken, Saint Louis University
•    Professor Luzolo Bambi, University of Kinshasa
•    Professor Raphael Nyabirungu, University of Kinshasa 
•    Dr Trésor Makunya, Lawyer 
•    Professor Jean Paul Segihobe, University of Kinshasa and University of Goma
•    Professor Mireille Ubeda, University of Lille
•    Dr Marcel Westh’Okonda, University of Kinshasa
•    Professor Serge Makaya, University of Kinshasa
•    Professor Eugène Bakama Bope, University of Lubumbashi, President of the CAD
•    Professor Balingene Kahombo, University of Goma
•    Ms Evelyne Ombeni, Legal Representative of Victims at the ICC
•    Mr Joël Hubrecht, Institut des hautes études sur la justice
•    Professor Serge Makaya, University of Kinshasa
•    Professor Junior Mumbala, University of Lubumbashi
•    Professor Gabin Bady, University of Lubumbashi
•    Mr Jean Jacques Badibanga, Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC
•    Professor Joséphine Bitota, University Notre Dame de Kasayi
•    Professor Pierre-Félix Kandolo, University of Lubumbashi
•    Mr Patrick Tshibuyi, Country Office of the ICC in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
•    Ms Nadine Mishika, Lawyer
•    Dr Willy Tshitenge, University of Kolwezi
•    Ms Dickson Dikangu, CAD