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Capacity Strengthening

EJTN-GNS Joint Training for European Judges and Prosecutors

05 June 2023 - 07 June 2023

Nuremberg, Germany

The Nuremberg Academy hosted the “Joint Training on the Investigation and Prosecution of Core International Crimes”, organised by the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) and the Genocide Network Secretariat (GNS), in Nuremberg, from 5 to 7 June 2023.

The training was attended by judges and prosecutors from all EU Member States. EJTN and the GNS organised this activity for justice professionals involved in or likely to be involved in the prosecution and trial of complex cross-border and international offences. Ukrainian prosecutors were also welcomed to join the training program.

The learning outcomes of this training included: an improved understanding of substantive international criminal law and relevant international and national jurisprudence, a better understanding of criminal liability in this field and a comprehension of the impacts of refugees on the investigation and prosecution of international crimes in Europe.

Participants also gained practical knowledge of the instruments of judicial cooperation in criminal matters within the EU and applicable international treaties, practical issues around constructing cases on core international crimes, and the challenges linked to evidence gathering and witness hearings.

Combining lectures, group work on a case scenario and plenary debriefings, this introductory training fostered practical skill development among the participants. Moreover, it provided an invaluable platform for exchanging best practices and facilitated the exploration of the legal systems and investigative approaches employed by different EU Member States.

The inclusion of Ukrainian participants further enriched the programme, promoting a cross-cultural exchange of knowledge and expertise in managing complex cases related to international crimes.